Back in the 80s no outfit was complete without a huge pair of shoulder pads, in fact my flat mate was so obsessed with them, she even added them to her dressing gown. Double sided tape or velcro ensured that they could be attached to everything and the day that fashion decreed they over, many of us required an angular detox in order to downsize our shoulders.
But they are back – and then some – and I predict that you will soon be lusting after an oversize tailored jacket with angles that could take your eye out. You may be tempted by a pair of spandex leggings and a Dynasty style dress – but lets not go mad, as what may have looked great aged 23, might not quite work at 50.
Back to the shoulder pads and just who decided they are back. Balenciaga, since you ask, as the brands Georgian designer Demma Gvaslia also heads up the coolest fashion collective in the world, Vetements, and what he says goes. His influence on fashion is huge and the Balenciaga S/S17 collection referenced the 80s, but cleverly re-invented the era of bad taste for a new generation.
I know these shoulders look ridiculous now – but trust me people trust me. I was right about Birkenstocks remember!
Glad I am signed up to Amanda’s No Spend Year and will be able to safely bypass this trend. I loved my men’s tuxedos in the 80s ( worn with a tutu and Doc Martens since you ask) but that was back then and we are in the here and now. Sad that designers deemed as as innovative (?) at Demma have to take retro styling so literally. However, given today’s socio-political climate you can kind of see where it’s coming from.
Well I think Trump has a ‘back to the ’80s’ look about him so maybe that’s where this trend is coming from.
I think your no spend year was very well timed…
No wonder the models look so grumpy.
Agree with the sentiments about designers just mining the past for inspiration instead of coming up with something new, it is depressing. But equally I love that moment when a trend goes from ghastly and unthinkable to something you can’t live without.