Here’s how it is – you spent your early years under the covers with a torch and a copy of Harold Robbins (for education – it was the 70s) you devoured every feminist book ever written in your 20s, moved onto award wining popular fiction in your 30s (as you could afford to buy books), lost your way a bit when you had small children (or not), but now, like nothing better than a brand new book to read.
You browse, you buy, you get excited about the reviews, but something always gets in the way of actually reading the damn book. You stress about reading the book club book and it starts to feel like homework, you make a work/family/life excuse before the meeting, only to find everyone else has done the same. So you have a nice evening catching up and drinking wine instead!
My fantasy retirement plans involve a lot of reading – but somehow I don’t think its likely, as I’m busy, I like being busy and I also have four more seasons of the Gilmore Girls to watch – priorities people, priorities!
So here’s the answer (courtesy of the lovely The Beat My Heart Skipped Blog). Ladies Drawing Night started off with a hashtag – when Brooklyn artists Julia Rothman, Leah Goren and Rachael Cole began to host regular art gatherings. Their followers began to host their own nights too and the hashtag grew and grew.
The idea is similar to the book group (but without the homework bit) in that a group of women (and men if you really want) get together and draw/paint/stick stuff down.
If you need some guidance, the artists behind the hashtag have recently published a book to help you get started. Each chapter presents a night loosely themed around a single topic, material, or challenge – from collage to making art with kids, ink painting or drawing in public.
Imagine the possibilities – fun, chat, creativity and wine – obviously – and if like me, you once spent every day of your life drawing, it could be a chance to get back into something you really love.
I will definitely be starting a group in my little corner of North East London. Watch this space…….
Love this! And if I’m honest, our book club has turned into a food and film club. Some weeks we sit back happily at the flicks and disappear into another world, and other weeks we gather around the kitchen table, eat delicious home cooked food and talk about what we love, what’s troubling us and what inspires us … the book has long been forgotten…
I could draw clothes instead of buying them…..Ax
Love this idea….count me in❤