The fabulous Petersham Nurseries is now something of an institution in west London, although no one who knows the place goes at the weekend because it’s so jammed. But mid week, for lunch and a potter around the carefully edited plants and beautiful decoratives, it’s a delight.
Petersham is west of Richmond, so it’s a bit of a trip out for anyone who is visiting, however now you don’t need to leave the centre of London to experience the food and the style. An ambitious PN take over of a large section of King Street, Covent Garden, including a store, florist, delicatessen, a cellar and two restaurants is happening and it’s really a worth a visit.
The Store in Covent Garden is full of beautiful decoratives, homewear and indoor plants and is extremely tempting. When visiting the original PN, regulars (me) go for the inspiration but rarely buy due to everything being, ahem, aspirationally priced shall we say. But the buying team have clearly worked at lowering the entry price points here, and you can pick up a treat for under £20.
I bought a lovely pistachio glazed flower vase for £29.00, below, perfect for random home grown blooms and had to check I’d read the price correctly, as it wouldn’t have surprised me if there should have been a one in front of the two.
The Delicatessen sits next door to the store, and is very artfully set out, with tempting cakes and salads for a grab-and-go lunch, although I warn you, it’s not Pret prices, and there’s a charming florist at the back should you find you need a bouquet at short notice. The Cellar offers a fabulous selection of wine.
In early 2018 there will be two restaurants opening, The Petersham, which will be a la carte and elegantly in line with the current restaurant at the original Nurseries, and the more relaxed open all day, small-plates-and-pasta style La Goccia.
You’ve got to admire the ambition of the brand. The space acquired is massive and it’s a bold statement to open such an emporium of luxuries. But perhaps this is cleverly in line with what we’re spending our money on now. Food, entertaining and experiences – the Cellar offers wine tasting courses. The Store, although a purveyor of ‘stuff’, is very atmospheric and inspirational, exactly what a store should be in order to get you to visit. I came away wanting to upgrade all my house plant pots.
Definitely worth a visit if you are in the area, but don’t blame me if you go home wanting to start a fernery. Opening times here.
I always loved the Richmond one and it was instrumental in igniting my passion for gardening. Unfortunately I think they’re concentrating too much on the homewares and excellent food these days and the quality and variety of the plants has gone off the boil a bit. Still I’m looking forward to seeing what this place is like.
F, I think they’ve run out of space for plants haven’t they? I bought some good bedding plants this season that have thrived, but I know what you mean. Ax