I read this book slightly accidentally and absolutely never expected to like it as much as I have done. I met the author Lucy Fry this week for Project Perfume (more on this later) and said I’d look at her newly released book to review on TWR, not actually realising it was about, ahem, completing triathalons….
However when the book came I gamely ploughed in and before long I was doing that thing where you stay on the bus one extra stop or take the long way round on The Underground in order to give yourself a bit more reading time.
I loved it. And it’s absolutely NOT just about completing triathalons, it covers other really interesting areas, such as why sport is so gendered, how men and women approach stuff differently (this is certainly a MUST READ for any women attempting any sport for the first time, what ever your standard) and coping and overcoming fears and anxieties in all walks of life. I urge you to give it a go.
It’s also an excellent motivator for any one thinking ‘am I too old to get fit?’ but not in a self-help way, it’s more like Lucy’s talking to you while sat at your kitchen table, entertaining you with her tales of disaster and success. Readers may know Lucy from her weekly column in the Sunday Telegraph and regular features on health and fitness and she is also travel editor for Diva magazine.
Buy here, you’ll love it
Run, Ride, Sink or Swim: A year in the exhilarating and addictive world of women’s triathlon
I think I need to read this book, I’m on the cusp of triathlete or couch potato – it could go either way!
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