Last week, I was working in San Francisco and had the chance to observe how older women there dressed and snapped a few for inspiration.
First is the super-stylish Emmanuelle Linard, who works for Trend Union, the forecasting site run by Lidewij Edelkoort. Rail-thin Emmanuelle is based in New York and is actually French, so isn’t technically an SF local, but I’m including her because she looked gorgeous. She’s wearing a Chloe tunic dress over a primrose long sleeve T shirt she bought from a thrift store (can I just say ‘thrift store’ sounds so much more glamourous when said with a French accent). Under the felted wool dress are leather trousers and mustard shoes, Emmanuelle told us the trousers were ancient, that she buys clothes because they are beautiful and timeless, never because they are ‘trendy’ (amusing coming from a trend forecaster). Whatever, she looked so elegant in her ensemble, and I adore the length of her hair.
Next comes this fabulously funky psycho therapist, caught just heading in to her office for a day’s work. I’m not sure my image does her credit as her tough–punk-chic style looked artfully put together (those shorts looked much cooler in real life) and she had such an eye-catching confidence as she walked along the street. She told me she is 63 and was pleased I liked her layered silver jewellery and her ear piercings were also beautiful. She clearly likes Laurie Anderson (note the T shirt) so she must be ok.
And again, great way with grey hair.
Finally below is Heidi – long term SF resident but originally from Austria and another fan of the thrift store. If I remember right pretty much everything she’s wearing comes from either H&M or thrift. But her attention to detail and accessorising was a real inspiration and again she had this spring in her step and stylish confidence that made you want to check her out.
I couldn’t help noticing that Pepto-Bismal Pink lipstick looked good on her too, and what amazingly fine skin she has. Must be the California air.
I love your street shots. These women look real, stylish and fun. Much more interesting than anyone on ‘the side column of shame’!
Thanks Katy! A
Am I alone in loving the style of these women but wondering how they would look on me without descending into ‘crazy bag lady territory’? I know fashion can be fun and quirky and I would love to look as interesting as these ladies but have memories of my belligerent mother in a kaftan in the 70’s which inhabit my soul and just won’t let me stray from ‘safe’ (and usually boring!) How to move forward with that… ?
Susanna x
I must say, it is truly amazing to see so many interesting women featured here. And that Chloe tunic dress is gorgeous.
Glad you are enjoying them Joana, and I know what you mean Susanna! As I layered my patchwork jeans over my neon brogues and lurex socks, I wondered the same thing….Ax